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There’s just something so special about a backyard barbecue – or BBQ! You’ve got the smell of the food sizzling on the grill, the laughter of friends and family, and the relaxed feeling of a day spent outdoors, so it really is a fantastic thing to do when you can. 

Of course, the issue is that hosting the perfect barbecue takes quite a lot of planning and plenty of creativity, but the good news is you can do it all if you plan things out and get yourself prepared – and, more importantly, you can enjoy the whole experience as well. So with that in mind, here are some tips on how to host the perfect backyard BBQ; read on to find out more. 

Grilled meat and vegetable skewers cooking on a grill, perfect for Backyard BBQ ideas and Summer party ideas with friends and family, essential for BBQ party planning.

Plan Your Guest List And Send Invites Early

The first step in hosting a successful barbecue is knowing how many people you’re feeding – you can’t do anything about planning a menu or buying food and drink if you have no idea who’s coming. That’s why it’s important to draw up a proper guest list, as that’s going to make things a lot easier. 

Once you’ve worked out who you’re inviting, send out the invitations nice and early so your guests can save the date – leaving it to the last minute just means people are more likely to have plans already, and what was going to be a fun party will turn into a much quieter affair – you might even have to cancel altogether. 

As for the invitations themselves, you can go old-school with paper invites or send an email, text, or social media message – it’s really going to depend on the event itself (an informal afternoon with friends is different to a birthday or engagement party, for example). No matter how you do it, make sure you ask about any dietary requirements so you can plan a menu everyone’s going to be able to eat. 

Set Up The Perfect Backyard Space

A great barbecue isn’t just about the food (although it’s obviously very important, and we’ll talk more about it shortly) – it’s also about creating a comfortable, welcoming space for you guests to relax and have a good time. To do that, you’ll need to set up seating areas with chairs, blankets, or perhaps lawn cushions, and if you’ve got a picnic table, that’s the perfect place to put your food, drinks, and condiments. No table? No problem! A folding table or even a large cooler, or, at a push, a piece of wood on the lawn can be okay. 

You can’t forget about giving people (and your food) shade too, and that can be done in a variety of different ways, from a patio umbrella to a pop-up gazebo, or even just positioning your chairs in the right spot under some trees or in the shadow of your house, for example. If you’re going to still be out there when it gets dark, string up some lights – it’ll keep people comfortable and keep them safe (they’ll be less likely to trip over if they can see the path!). 

A group of friends gathered around a grill, cooking meats and enjoying the outdoors, highlighting fun Backyard BBQ ideas and Summer party ideas for easy BBQ party planning.

Create A Delicious Menu

We mentioned that food was obviously very important when it comes to your backyard BBQ, and it really is – your guests aren’t going to be very impressed if there’s nothing for them to eat or drink at your place! Therefore, it’s a good idea to put some thought into your menu and come up with something tasty that everyone’s going to love. 

In the past, a barbecue would have been mainly burgers and hot dogs, but today there are loads of options, and you can really take your pick depending on your preferences and what you like to cook (as well as what your guests are likely to eat). If you want to impress, try marinating some chicken or grilling some ribs; brush them with some sweet barbecue sauce and you’ve instantly elevated your food into something really special – don’t be surprised if your guests request it every time you invite them over! 

Don’t forget about your vegetarian and vegan friends too, and the great thing is they’ve also got a lot of choice. It’s amazing how tasty a grilled portobello mushroom is, or you could make some veggie burgers if you want to. Plus, vegetable skewers with things like peppers, mushrooms, onions, and cherry tomatoes always go down well. 

And you’ll also want a variety of sides, so try to ensure you’ve got things like potato salad, green salad with a nice vinaigrette, coleslaw, corn on the cob, as well as rolls and garlic bread – no one’s going to be able to resist any of that! 

Get The Grill Ready

Whatever it is you decide to cook, the whole point of having a barbecue is that you cook it on the barbecue or grill itself – that’s what makes all the difference. So before your guests arrive, make sure your grill is nice and clean and ready to go, otherwise you’ll end up spending most of the party sorting it out, which means you’ll miss a lot of the fun (and the food will be late). 

It’s also wise to preheat the grill so it’s nice and hot when people arrive and you can start cooking. If you’re using a charcoal grill, light the coals about 30 to 45 minutes before you plan to cook so they’re at the perfect temperature, and for a gas grill, turn it on about 10 to 15 minutes in advance because even though it’s faster, it still needs to heat up. 

A backyard BBQ setup with a grill full of hot dogs, burgers, and vegetable skewers, offering inspiration for Backyard BBQ ideas, Summer party ideas, and simple BBQ party planning.

Have Great Entertainment 

While the food is cooking and while people are eating, a little entertainment can turn your backyard barbecue into something really great. One good idea is to have some games for people to play, like horseshoes, frisbee, or Swingball, for example, plus it’s always a good idea to have music playing (and why not encourage people to sing along and do some karaoke at the same time?). 

As for that music, you should make a playlist in advance of summery, upbeat songs that will make people feel good and keep the energy levels high – that’s how you create the perfect backyard BBQ. 

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