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Personal style is a funny thing. Sure, they’re just clothes, but feeling comfortable in our outfit choices can have a huge impact on how we view ourselves, and also how we present ourselves in the wider world. 

Unfortunately, for the sake of ease and general concern, many parents place themselves between their children and true style exploration. As well as inevitably leading to resentment, this can restrict everything from a child’s decision-making abilities to self-confidence

Exploration is therefore key, but sometimes, you won’t even realize you’re standing in the way of your child’s style. Here are some signs you’re unconsciously stopping them from exploring in a fashion sense. 

two kids that are happy

Sign 1: You Choose the Outfits

Mornings are BUSY. Getting the children out of bed and ready on time is hard enough, without letting them spend half an hour or more choosing their outfits. But, this early decision-making can have a huge impact on everything from style confidence to their ability to act decisively in the future. Experts believe this to be the case even in the toddler years.

Instead of always picking out outfits for your child, why not make time for this task the evening before? Adding time for outfit selection into the bedtime routine means you won’t struggle to fit in the next day. Older kids can take a pick out of their entire wardrobes, but you could even simplify this task for toddlers as young as two, by providing perhaps two choices of top, bottoms, etc., and asking which they prefer. 

Sign 2: You Often Say ‘No’ to Outlandish Choices

Are young kids always going to settle on the most fashion-conscious outfits? Of course not. Kids wouldn’t think twice about pairing a fairy princess dress with kids cowboy boots and a winter hat. But, constantly resisting these clashing outfit choices can negatively impact your child’s fashion confidence overall. 

Try saying yes next time your child picks their outfit, no matter how whacky it seems. Obviously, you will need to have some say regarding things like school uniforms or outfits for smart occasions. But, if you’re just having a day out as a family, does it really matter? People will likely smile and admire your child’s wildest fashion creations and, when they do, they’ll reinforce a more positive feeling of self-assurance than constant refusals ever could. 

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Sign 3: You Shop Without Them

As a parent, shopping without your kids is a vital way to manage stress and make your life easier. Unfortunately, if you constantly buy clothes without your kids in tow, you’ll limit their ability to make better fashion choices moving forward. 

In truth, taking kids clothes shopping and showing them things like mannequin fashions and potential outfit pairings is your best chance at stepping away from those outlandish fashion choices. Making clothes shopping a real event can also help to inspire and excite your child, thus encouraging them to get more in touch with creative, confident outfit choices throughout the rest of their lives. 

Step aside for your child’s personal style with these tips in mind. 

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